Bucket List

I think this is pretty self explanatory. Haven't you seen the movie? I have, but even before then I knew what this was. I hope that this list will never be finished, which is sort of anti-bucket list, but I just always want to find new things that I want to try, do, eat, see, etc. so I can continue adding.

As with any good list, I'm going to find some inspiration from other lists/ blogs and then edit and expand upon those lists. After all imitation is the most sincere form of flattery? :)

  1. Complete items on Cradle List
  2. Become a mother
  3. Own a home
  4. Visit all 50 states
  5. Ride in a gondola in Venice
  6. Climb Mt. Katahdin
  7. Go on a hot air balloon ride (that's not tethered to the ground)
  8. Ride a jet ski
  9. Go tubing
  10. Kiss the Blarney Stone
  11. Learn to use a sewing machine
  12. Go to a professional sports game
  13. Visit a volcano
  14. Build/ help build a complete tree house
  15. Attend a murder mystery dinner
  16. Go on a catamaran cruise
  17. Watch someone blow glass
  18. Go SCUBA diving
  19. Host a themed dinner party
  20. Renew our wedding vows
  21. Walk along the Great Wall of China
  22. Pay off our student loans
  23. See a show on Broadway (I'd love to see Wicked)
  24. Get my master's degree
  25. Take dance lessons with the hubby
  26. Take a singing lesson
  27. Sing a duet at a karaoke bar
  28. Do a "surprise" performance at the school talent show
  29. Get involved with high school One Acts
  30. Make our dream home
  31. Have a secret passage way in our home
  32. Live somewhere else long enough to develop an accent
  33. Swim in all of the Great Lakes
  34. Fire a gun
  35. See a "good" magic show
  36. Go to an aquarium
  37. Do a polar bear dip
  38. Ride in a helicopter
  39. See the great pyramids in person
  40. See the Northern Lights
  41. Visit the Grand Canyon
  42. Swim with dolphins
  43. Hug a giant redwood tree
  44. Go to Niagara Falls
  45. Vacation in Australia and New Zealand
  46. Go to each of the Seven New Wonders of the World
  47. Crochet/ knit a baby blanket
  48. Sell something on Etsy
  49. Have my make-up professionally done
  50. Meet the President of the United States
  51. Meet J.K. Rowling
  52. Ride on a yacht
  53. Sleep in a castle
  54. Have family rituals and traditions to celebrate holidays and important life events
  55. Stay in an ocean villa in Fiji
  56. Meet my grandchildren
  57. Have a past life regression
  58. Build a Habitat for Humanity Home
  59. Volunteer at a hospital
  60. Be the voice of a cartoon or animated character
  61. Be an extra in a movie
  62. See a  Cirque du Soleil show
  63. Get hypnotized
  64. Win over $1000 in a lottery or raffle
  65. Participate in a Flash Mob
  66. Make loans to entrepreneurs in developing countries through www.kiva.com
  67. Mentor a student teacher
  68. Open a Swiss bank account
  69. Continue to add to this list

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